Sunday, March 6, 2016

September-October 2014

Hello again from Budapest! 

It seems like these past few weeks have flown by. I have been so busy at GGIS as well as outside of GGIS.

I taught my first ever Bible College class to a group of Chinese students last week. It was a great time of fellowship and joy as we studied the book of Philippians. I love the heart that these people have as they study the Word. They are so eager to hear and hang onto every word you say.

We had a Family Fair at GGIS. The proceeds of the fair benefit a Christian school here in Hungary called Kharisz. It was the best fair I have ever been to. We played games, ate, there was a bouncy castle and sumo wrestling and I even got pied in the face. I love seeing the joy on the faces of the students at this event. GGIS is certainly a unique place. Where else in the world does the mission field come to you? I was counting the languages that are spoken by the students in our school, 15, and probably even more that I am forgetting. I really believe God is using us every day to reach the nations. We don’t know what His plan is in life but we know that He works all things together for good, Romans 8:28.

It seems like we can make so many excuses when it comes to our walk with God. I preached, Sunday morning, on this topic from Song of Solomon 5. The woman in the story (us) keeps coming up with excuses why she can’t come to the door to let the man (God) in. She is too comfortable, her bed is too warm, she’s already washed her feet, the door is too far away... the list of excuses goes on. What happens though when she sees Him? She just barely gets a glimpse of her Beloved in verse 4 and she is stirred up. Things start to change, she goes out seeking Him. She tells others about Him. This is the same with us. A lot of times we have so many excuses why we can’t follow God but when we catch a glimpse of who He is we run after Him. It doesn’t matter what people say, it doesn’t matter if we get hurt or wounded along the way, we have found something greater than our excuses! I can see God moving and working here in Budapest, people’s lives are changing just because they have seen a small part of the work of God.

Please pray that my students here at school would continue to grow in faith.

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