Monday, March 7, 2016

December 2014-January 2015

Happy New Year from Budapest!
I hope all of you had a great holiday season. It was great for me to be able to relax for two weeks during our Christmas break but I was ready to start school again.

A few of us took a day trip to Vienna before Christmas. It was a great time of fellowship and ministry both as we traveled and as we walked the streets. The city was packed with tourists enjoying the Christmas decorations and kiosks that pop up on every corner, what a perfect time to go soul winning though!

On Christmas Day I was able to be with a few families here as well as call my parents in New York. It was very laid back. That night a few of us went down to the castle district to enjoy the view and ride the Christmas Tram. It even snowed later on that weekend!

This weekend we will be taking two groups of high school students to Berlin and Paris. I am with the group going to Berlin. We will see some sights while we are there (it's supposed to be an educational trip) but we will also meet up with Pastor Stephan Stein who is the Greater Grace pastor in Berlin. Please pray that these trips open the hearts of our students and that they get to see the work that God is doing all over the world. Also, please pray for safety, especially for the group going to Paris due to the recent terrorist attacks.

In 8th grade Bible, we have been talking about a lot of different topics. From relationships to music, how to deal with parents to what the heck the book of Revelation is saying, I have prayerfully done my best to answer the students questions about, well, life. Today we talked about goals. It’s common to make new year’s resolutions, I don’t know that I ever have but I know people do. I wonder how many people actually keep them... Anyway, one of the goals the students came up with was to bring one person to church this year. What a great thing! Wouldn’t it be amazing if we all brought one new person to church this year? What if that one person accepted Christ as their Savior? What if they got a vision for Bible College? The mission field? What if that one person becomes the next Billy Graham? Wouldn’t that be amazing? I think that God uses our teeny tiny steps of faith in more ways than we can ever imagine. I don’t know what the result of a tract handed out today will be years from now. I don’t know what the result of this newsletter even will be. I hope and I pray though that it leads someone to Christ. Isn’t that our ultimate goal? Hebrews 12:1-2 Let’s look to Jesus this year. He is our ultimate goal in life.

God bless, I love you all!

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