Monday, February 6, 2017

January 2017

I was able to go New York to see my family for Christmas and New Year's this year. I just got back to Budapest on Thursday afternoon. It was great to see everyone and be with the family for two weeks. It felt strange because it's the first time I've been able to do that since moving to Hungary (four years ago this week).

I had asked the Korean youth group if they needed anything from America before I went, they proceeded to send me a list of, well, mostly candy, that they wanted. I'm sure all of their parents will be so happy with me!

Things at GGIS leading up to the break were really exciting, we had a Christmas party and then a day of ice skating with the high schoolers. This was a really great time to connect with them on a level that most teachers don't usually get to. I've come to realize in my time here that it's so vital to build relationships with students based on your life and character rather than just having a teacher/student relationship. Our real purpose here is to minister Christ and I pray that the kids get to see that along with all of the teaching and professional interaction we have with them.

Our vice principle, Mr. Doug Janssen, sent out an email a few weeks ago with a quote from Martin Luther, which said: "If I had to give up preaching and my other duties, there is no office I would rather have than that of schoolteacher. For I know that next to the ministry it is the most useful, greatest, and best; and I am not sure which of the two is to be preferred. For it is hard to make old dogs docile and old rogues pious, yet that is what the ministry works at, in great part, in vain; but young trees, though some may break in the process, are more easily bent and trained. Therefore, let it be considered one of the highest virtues on earth faithfully to train the children of others, which duty but few parents attend to themselves." I printed this quote out and stuck it to the podium in my classroom so I have to look at it every day. Isn't that amazing? I found myself thinking the same old thoughts again while I was in the US- does what I am doing in Budapest really matter? Am I actually making a difference? Am I really a missionary? I think, like Nehemiah (6:3) building the wall around Jerusalem said, "I am doing a great work! I will not come down! The work will not stop!" Nehemiah had to send a message to the people who were oppressing him, but when my own mind tries to get me to throw in the towel, I can talk right back to it. I won't give up! I am doing a great work! I will not stop! It may take years, lifetimes, or even generations to see the full result of what has happened here in Budapest these past four years, but it is a great work!

You are doing a great work as well! Never forget this. We can become so discouraged in our ministry at times but there is no reason to be. Build yourself up in whatever God has you doing. Don't let the little thoughts creep in and try to get you to come down from the wall.

I am so edified by you who read these little letters. Thank you for the emails and feedback you give me. You'll never know how much those few words mean to me.

Thank you for all of your continued prayers! Happy New Year!

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