With all of that in mind, I would like to share something I wrote after a recent Bible Study I led at GGIS.
"Usually my week of preparation for a message is doing a little reading, thinking, and praying each morning of the week. Last week I thought the theme "Give Me Your Heart" from Proverbs 23 would be a good topic; however the more I prepared, the more I fully expected it to just suck. Fall flat. I kinda just wanted it to be over with so we could all go play frisbee.
"As we sat and began talking (usually the message is me presenting some small ideas which the students talk about for a minute, then I ask questions that I want them to answer, and we repeat that several times) but tonight I couldn't believe what the students were saying. Incredible. Doctrine was pouring out of each and every one of them.
"Reka mentioned how making decisions for God can be so difficult but in the end you see a great result. (Hugi, keep her coming out!)
When we talked about how sometimes hearts can become hard, Seung Hee compared it to ice. Ice takes a long time to freeze, it doesn't happen instantly, but when it is heated up it melts quickly. That can be like us, our hearts can become cold, but when the warmth of the love of God is again realized in my life, I can have instant restoration.
"I wish I could go through what everyone said, it was so amazing. What I expected to be 15 minutes tops turned into 45 in the blink of an eye."
I think it can be hard for us to see the impact we have in our ministry at times. I have been here for six years and I am just now realizing the fruit of investment. I have been able to watch these students grow from crazy third and fourth graders into mature, God-seeking teenagers.
It is missions. Everything we do is missions. Remember, you and I are not at home here, every ministry we have is a mission, no matter where we are or what it is. A cup of cold water is a ministry if it's given from the Spirit of God.
The last thing is that in ministry, you can make connections that you wouldn't be able to otherwise. I walked into my classroom the other day and found the following list that various students have been adding to the past few days:

Thank God that he has and continues to use us!
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