Sunday, April 2, 2017

April 2017

So much has happened this month in Budapest! We had our last European conference in Hungary- next year it will take place in Poland. This is a little bittersweet, because we on the Budapest team have been able to host Eurocon for as long as I’ve been here, but it’s also neat to see it moving on so that other European churches have the opportunity to host it.

The theme of this year’s Eurocon was “A Time of Love” from Ezekiel 16:8. I am always amazed that the themes of different conferences throughout the year are always so timely. Now really is a time for love.

It was great to see all of the visitors and friends who came from around the world to be with us. In a time of wars and feuds, political angst and economic instability, it’s incredible to have a couple thousand people from all over the world with all different backgrounds get together without bias or prejudice and worship God. It truly is a time of love.

Last year I had been asking all of you to be praying for one of our Seniors who accept Christ at Eurocon. A year later, here is a picture (sorry it’s so small) of that same girl marching for China in the missions march. 

I am so proud of that girl and all of the decisions she has made in her new Christian life.

Keeping with the theme of Eurocon, I have recently been thinking about love as a choice. I don’t love people because it’s convenient, I love people because I can choose to love them with God’s love. When Christ looked out at Israel in Matthew 9:36, he saw them as sheep without a shepherd. He loved them even though they didn’t know He loved them. Can I love someone in Russia even though I’ve never met them? Can I love someone from Brazil even though I’ve never been there? I can! Eurocon was great proof of that very statement. When I have the love of Christ, every moment is a time of love. I make the decision in my heart to love people, not because they love me, but because God loves me.

I was speaking with a recent Bible class about this topic in relationship to reaching the lost. We said that no matter how polished your apologetics may be, the thing that really reaches people and that makes a difference is love.

This coming Friday, I will be going on a weekend retreat with the kids from the Korean church. If you think of it, please pray for this time.

Lastly, please keep GGIS in your prayers. Toward the end of every school year, we give out surveys in Bible class checking to gauge student’s interest in Christianity. Teachers meet with different individuals after reading the surveys and try to connect and answer any questions they have. Every year students get saved, and some even get baptized, but it’s also a time of great warfare because the spirit of God is moving so mightily.

God is doing great things!

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