This past month, spring has finally come to Budapest. In a recent teachers’ meeting, it was mentioned that sometimes the winters here, which are pretty dark and gloomy, can wear you down. You can start to wonder why you’re here or what is going on, but then, boom, before you know it, the sun is back, the kids are normal again, and you remember why you live. This is very true, but it actually didn’t happen to me this year. I have seen God working so mightily in different ways, I feel like every day something new and incredible is going to happen.
I went to Eurocon in Warsaw, Poland at the beginning of the month. It was a great time to be with people I don’t often get to spend time with. It was also neat because ever since I moved here, Eurocon has been in Budapest, but for me, living here, there can be a lot of distractions. Now that it was in Poland, I had nothing to do except go to the conference and spend time with the people there. I didn’t think about that until afterwards, but it was an interesting side note.
I asked my friend, Pastor Love, if I could video him speaking for a minute about his work in the chaplain program in the NBA to show to the basketball team at GGIS. Here is a picture of them listening to him.
It was really neat to see them paying such close attention and they asked a lot of questions afterwards.
As you may know, I have been talking individually to the high school students in GGIS and have now spoken to 57 of them. Please pray that I keep having these opportunities as they are very special. Last week, the day before our Easter break, three students prayed with me to receive Christ, two of which were boys who you see in that picture, listening to Pastor Love. Amazing!
I have been talking about Camp Life with my students because it is now happening in Europe as well as the US. I will be coming back to Hungary a bit earlier this summer so that I can attend and the kids I have talked to about it are very interested. This is a fantastic program and for me, both as a camper, and a counsellor, it was life changing.
I wanted to show you another picture that I took recently at the Korean church I attend. This is in the chapel at GGIS. During Eurocon, I was able to speak to P. Dunbar, who is a missionary in South Korea. It’s cool to me to have a connection about a love for people. I can’t wait to someday go to Korea and visit him!